Liberal Baptists Poised for Paradigm Shift on Sexual Issues?

By Andrew Walker
March 5, 2012

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Albert Mohler commented on the upcoming conference. (Photo credit: WordPress)

An upcoming conference and hiring policy point to a potential paradigm shift for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. The conference is already making waves as the event draws near.

Figures within the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship are hosting what is being called “A [Baptist] Conference Sexuality and Covenant” April 19-21 at the historic First Baptist Church Decatur, Georgia.

David Gushee, a noted ethicist at Mercer University is one of the conference’s chief organizers. Gushee is a prominent spokesman on the Evangelical Left. As head of Evangelicals for Human Rights, he drafted the National Association of Evangelicals’ stance against U.S. enhanced interrogation tactics. He chairs the New Evangelical Partnership for Common Good, headed by former NAE official Richard Cizik, who lost his NAE job after backing same-sex civil unions.

Gushee stated that the changing face of sexual identity and practice across the American landscape is requiring the church to address its long-held positions on sexual relationships. Said Gushee, “We are trying to say that we believe many Baptists, Christians and churches have been avoiding a serious conversation about sexuality and what norms ought to govern the Christian expression of sexuality in our contemporary context […].We are trying to say that Baptist Christians need a context for “faithful listening” in a quest to hear what God would say to us today about how disciples of Jesus Christ live in responsible sexuality.”

Co-sponsored by the Mercer Center for Theology and Public Life at Mercer University, the conference is being billed, according to Gushee with five purposes: (1) “about responding to a pressing need in Baptist churches for resourcing churches and their leaders; (2) providing information, narratives, resources and a model for dialogue in churches;” (3) the conference is about how the biblical moral norm of covenant fidelity applies in our confused and confusing contemporary context; (4) the conference is about the most significant issues in contemporary sexual ethics, including but not limited to homosexuality; (5) the conference is about discovering whether the Baptist family (or any contemporary Christian group) is capable of respectful and meaningful engagement of diverse people and perspectives in a discussion of sexuality.”

Conference lectures and discussions include: “While We Were Avoiding the Subject: What’s Going on in the World (and the Church)?”; “Faithful Listening in Challenging Times: How Do We Discern God’s Voice?”; “Ancient & Contemporary Voices: What Do Christians Think God Thinks About Sex?”; “Covenant 101: What Are the Ties that Bind?”; “Covenant 201: What Are the Boundaries of Covenant?”; “From Fear to Joy: How Might Congregations Lead the Way?”; and “Celebrating God’s Gifts: Seeking and Acknowledging Christ in One Another.”

According to an article at the Associated Baptist Press, the need for the upcoming conference grew out of a 2010 CBF General Assembly breakout session on same-sex orientation. The high-volume attention of the workshop indicated to leaders that a broader discussion was needed.

Jennifer Knapp, a popular Christian music artist who made headlines in 2010 when she admitted to being a lesbian, is scheduled to perform a concert during the conference.

Gushee all the while insists that the conference is not about politics or policymaking.

The lead-up to the conference is not without its critics. Luke Smith, a pastor within the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, critiqued the conference as “misguided” in a recent editorial.

Smith sees the conference as a veiled attempt to invite sexual immorality into official church policy by “merely expanding licit sexual intercourse beyond marriage. My concern is that this is a perversion of the scriptural witness to sexual intimacy.”

Smith continued, “Rather than modeling dialogue on important issues of the day, I fear we as the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship are modeling how to allow a few loud and persistent voices to derail cooperative alliances.” Smith ends his concern with a belief that the voices-those whom he labels “progressive”-present at the conference are those disconnected from local churches.

The conference comes in the midst of a debate on whether the CBF should reconsider its ban on hiring homosexuals. CBF Moderator Colleen Burroughs has questioned the CBF’s policy on refusing to hire homosexuals, which the CBF adopted in 2000.

Albert Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville recently commented that the CBF’s willingness to “have a conversation” about its ban on hiring homosexuals is a strong predictor of the denomination’s direction. “The issue of homosexuality is not going to trouble, at least in a divisive way, those who have a clear and very principled stand on the subject,” Mohler said. “But if you try to stand in some kind of middle, some kind of artificial neutrality in which you have a policy that isn’t so clearly established upon biblical authority, well you’re going to find that it is a target of continual renegotiation and calls for change.”

The conference in April “is likely just to be a start, the public start, of a very divisive conversation,” said Mohler. The hiring policy being questioned will certainly add to that fervor.

The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, a dissident breakaway group from the Southern Baptist Convention, disbanded from the Southern Baptist Convention in the early 1990s as the convention began advocating more conservative positions on theology and politics.


This article, gleaned from ‘virtueonline’, will no doubt strike terror into the hearts of evangelical enthusiasts who spurn any thought of the authenticity of homosexxal behaviour having any place in the  matrix of ‘normal’ sexual response in the lives of Christian people. Here is part of the statement made by one of the Baptist conference promoters:

” Said Gushee, “We are trying to say that we believe many Baptists, Christians and churches have been avoiding a serious conversation about sexuality and what norms ought to govern the Christian expression of sexuality in our contemporary context […].We are trying to say that Baptist Christians need a context for “faithful listening” in a quest to hear what God would say to us today about how disciples of Jesus Christ live in responsible sexuality.”

This willingness to debate the place of homosexuality in the life of Christians today, by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship in North America, is both surprising and welcomed by all Christians of good will, who are desirous of discussing and learning to appropriately deal with the complex situation of gender and the scientifically-observed  variation of sexual-response in human beings – in the light of experience.

Any credible theological understanding of sexual-orientation can no longer be  limited to the biblical bi-polar models of absolute male and absolute female. Scientific observation – which was not available at the time of the Early Church’s understanding of human sexual response – has now radically altered the landscape of what was once the sole deterministic evaluation of what might be considered to be ‘normal’ sexual response – based on the predominant male to female relationship. 

The world has recognised this new reality; whereas the Judaeo-Christian tradition – perhaps predictably – has been reluctant to overturn centuries of prejudice against the possibility of an authentic  homosexual-orientation, based on the assumed biblical ethic that denied any human sexual activity that did not lead to procreation.  

To a Church obsessed with the commonly perceived need to consider God’s gift of human sexuality as solely authenticated by the objective of  producing children – to enlarge the wealh and prosperity of the Nation – has been proved to be a redundant ‘moral absolute’ The very existence of the biblical ‘Song of Songs’, with its erotic overtones, gives the lie to sexuality as being solely concerned with procreation. In a world which will shortly reach a population level of critical mass – with little prospect of being able to be supported by its dwindling natural resources – an ever- expanding population could prove the greatest problem for humanity.

One of the current problems of those Churches which ‘ban’ contraception’ is that the vast majority of people belonging to those Churches are ignoring the discipline of their faith community – thereby creating a credibility gap between an expectation and the behavioural reality. Contraception was once considered ‘sinful’ by most Christians. This is no longer the case – because sex is seen to be a gift of God, whether indulged in for the explicit purpose of procreation, or simply for the mutual expression of a lovng mutual relationship between two people.

Similarly with Divorce. This was also, at one time in the Church, considered to be ‘against God’s Law’. Seemingly, in the experience of many churches, this is not now considered to be a ‘No-No’. A case can be made for the break-up of a marriage on all sorts of grounds. Re-marriage after divorce, was once also frowned upon. That this is no longer the case with most Christian bodies, is that God is seen to be in the business of   re-building shattered lives and allowing for a new, more suitable relationship.

Ethics and understandings have changed with the evolution of the Church and the world of our everyday lives. The Holy Spirit is alive and active, helping us to live more humanely, in a climate of truth and justice. To God be the glory!

Father Ron Smith, Christchurch, New Zealand

About kiwianglo

Retired Anglican priest, living in Christchurch, New Zealand. Ardent supporter of LGBT Community, and blogger on 'Thinking Anglicans UK' site. Theology: liberal, Anglo-Catholic & traditional. regarding each person as a unique expression of Christ, and therefore lovable.
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3 Responses to Liberal Baptists Poised for Paradigm Shift on Sexual Issues?

  1. My perspective on “Faith and Sexuality” is kind of simplistic but I think it is appropo: It goes like this—“God made Pine Trees and God Made Walnut Trees. Both are beautiful and both fulfill their purpose in The Will of God. I do not think God is going to judge Pine Trees negatively because they are not capable of producing walnuts.
    The point is that God has never produced anything that He did not want produced and He knows what the purpose is for each of His creations– and that purpose is always Good because God is always good.
    Humans have no right tormenting each other over differences in their God-Created individualities. There are bigger issues at stake like “The Salvation of Lost Souls.”
    Salvation of Lost souls means getting people (Regardless of race, politics or sexual orientation) to accept Jesus as Lord and Personal Savior…period!

  2. Pingback: Fait In America: Southern Baptist Leader Must Apologize; Compared Gay-affirming Americans To Nazis « From Eternity To Here

  3. kiwianglo says:

    Amen to that!.

    Christ IS Risen, Alleluia. He is Risen indeed, Alleluia, Alleluia!

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